
Kiko maintains the highest standards of corporate governance to create long-lasting sustainable value for all shareholders and stakeholders

Members of the BoD

Antonio Percassi


Simone Dominici

CEO & Advisor

Stefano Percassi


Nicola Colavito


Luca Percassi


Claudio Tierno


Mario Volpi


Board of Statutory Auditors

The Board of Statutory Auditors is responsible for overseeing compliance with the law, the Articles of Association and the principles of good governance in KIKO Spa. Its members were appointed by the Board of Directors on June 28th 2021 until the approval of the financial statements in December 31st 2023 and its composed by 3 members and 2 substitutes.

Maurizio Dallocchio


Piero Albani

Effective Statutory Auditor

Elena Vistarini

Effective Statutory Auditor

Linda Gazzillo

Substitute Auditor

Maurizio Leonardo Lombardi

Substitute Auditor

Model 231

KIKO SpA, has adopted its Model of Organization, Management and Control (the "Model 231"), of which the Code of Ethics is a fundamental part, in accordance with the Italian decree law (D.Lgs.) n. 231/2001. This law introduced in Italy the administrative liability of entities for a list of crimes committed in their interest or to their advantage, by directors, managers, employees and also by third parties (consultants, suppliers, partners, etc.). The aim of the Model 231, approved by the Board of Directors of KIKO SpA, is to prevent the commission of these crimes by defining a structured system of procedures and control activities for the management and monitoring of sensitive processes. Moreover, and in order to ensure that all foreign subsidiaries are aligned with the provisions of Italian law and other similar local laws, KIKO Milano has established “International Guidelines - Model 231” to provide a reference framework in all markets where KIKO Milano is present. To guarantee its respect and its continuous updated, the Board of Directors of KIKO SpA, has stablished an independent decision-making and control power Supervisory Bodies (Organismo di Vigilanza, “OdV”) composed by two members, one internal and one external, with a vast experience in the D.Lgs 231/2001 topics and internal control and risk management. Click here to access to our Global Guidelines - Modello 231


KIKO is committed to the values of fairness and loyalty and it is the responsibility of everyone working or collaborating with the Company to report any non-compliance with these principles.If you are aware and you wish to report an unethical situation, KIKO provides a confidential channel that ensures anonymity and protects your identity: e-mail: mail: Head of Global Audit -Kiko S.p.A. - Via Paleocapa 20 –24122 Bergamo All reports must be properly substantiated and make in good faith. If you would like more details on how your report will be managed, please read the Whistleblowing Procedure. The personal data contained in the reports will be treated according to the Privacy Policy available here. Please note that to report a business complaint (products, services, etc.) you can contact our Customer Service Department. We count on all of you to make KIKO a place where we can all be proud to work and collaborate.

Code of Ethics

Conducting business with ethics is a TOP priority in KIKO Milano at all levels and markets. Our Code of Ethics defines the values that must conduct all business activities perform by all parties working or collaborating with the Company (employees, partners, PA, shareholders, suppliers, etc.). In addition, KIKO Milano has defined more than 25 Global Policies to support our Code, and that are continuously refresh to all our employees through internal campaigns to reinforce our commitment in following the highest standards of ethical business practices in the sector. Click here to download our Code of Ethics

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